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Katie Morag

Watch the episode of Katie Morag broadcasted on 23-12-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Katie Morag

Katie Morag on CBeebies is a gentle and entertaining series that will appeal to young children and preschoolers everywhere. It follows the adventures of Katie who lives on the fictional Scottish island of Struay along with her family. The series is based on the much loved books written and illustrated by Mairi Hedderwick who herself spent much of her life living on a remote Scottish island and captures the mood of living in a small but busy community. 
Catch up with Katie Morag via youriplayer.co.uk and enjoy this gentle tale of island life. 
Katie Morag is an independent young girl. She has her best friend, her annoying younger brother and her busy parents to contend with. Sometimes brave and often in some sort of scrape or another Katie often turns to her grandmothers for advice and her situations always manage to turn out happily in the end. 
Between them, the two Grannies seem to know everything and offer good but often conflicting advice. Granny Island is often in her overalls fixing things, driving her tractor and looking after her cats and she has been praised as a positive example of a strong female role model. Granny Mainland is a more traditional granny and although not living so close to Katie Morag has always got something to say.
Katie Morag on CBeebies is very close to the original series of books and Mairi Hedderwick has had creative input into this TV version. She has been widely praised for creating Granny Island as such a positive female role but it seems that this was just a coincidence. c038tv
Mairi Hedderwick said when speaking on BBC radio recently that she actually wrote and drew Granny Island as Granddad Island. When it came to publishing the book in the USA, there were concerns about Katie Morag spending so much time alone with an elderly man so she had to change him to Granny Island. Whatever the reason, it works!

Watch all episodes of Katie Morag here. Katie Morag is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Katie Morag here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Katie Morag via Youriplayer. Katie Morag is a programme of . 


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