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Wanted Down Under

Watch the episode of Wanted Down Under broadcasted on 03-06-2019, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Wanted Down Under

If you have ever considered moving you and the family to Australia or New Zealand , Wanted Down Under on BBC Two gives a fascinating insight of emigration and what it is like to actually ”up sticks” and move to the other side of the world.
 Each week a British family are flown “down under” to try out a new life as they explore the area, look at the sort of accommodation they will be moving to, jobs, employment and lifestyle.
The families must prove that they are serious about considering the move and provide all their financial and personal details. Wanted Down Under also interview the family members to be left behind in the UK and this can be extremely emotional as the extended family cope with the thought of losing the family.

In many cases, Wanted Down Under does the families a favour. Sometimes one family member will be keen to move and the other family members are possibly reluctant. In some cases, a move to New Zealand or Australia may be exactly the right thing for the family and this show gives families the chance to try it out first before they commit to this big decision.
The Wanted Down Under Team look at all aspects of moving down under including financial issues such as the sale of the UK house if appropriate. At the end of the programme, the family have to vote on their decision and decide whether to stay put in the UK or emigrate

Wanted Down Under has been broadcast since 2007 and so far has run to seven series. There is also a follow up series Wanted Down Under Revisited that looks at some of the families featured in earlier series.
If you have ever faced making a big decision, and emigrating to Australia does not get any bigger, you will enjoy and sympathise with the families in the programme. Watch all episodes of Wanted down Under via your iplayer and see if this choice is for you!

Watch all episodes of Wanted Down Under here. Wanted Down Under is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Wanted Down Under here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Wanted Down Under via Youriplayer. Wanted Down Under is a programme of . 


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