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Tree Fu Tom

Watch the episode of Tree Fu Tom broadcasted on 04-08-2018, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tree Fu Tom

Tree Fu Tom is a BBC show shown on CBeebies which uses CGI to show a minute enchanted countryside and village.c038tv. The tree trunk featured turns between across and downwards. Tree Fu Tom is directed at a 4 – 6 year old audience and is voiced by Doctor Who actors Sophie Aldred and David Tennant. The main purpose of the show is that the spells featured will get exercise into the lives of young children.

In each episode Tree Fu Tom leaves via the back entrance of the home, dons his power-belt and energetically runs across to shrink to the size of a fly as he has adventures in the world of Treetopolis. He performs magic to get fellow characters out of various situations.

If this sounds appealing, there have been 26 episodes made that you can replay via Youriplayer.co.uk

Watch all episodes of Tree Fu Tom here. Tree Fu Tom is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Tree Fu Tom here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: tree fu tom, toys, game, episodes, costume, characters, belt, cbeebies, iplayer, cake

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