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Watch the episode of Trapped broadcasted on 18-03-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.


Trapped! is a children’s  task programme shown on CBBC. During every episode of Trapped!, six kids known as Unfortunates are set a series of challenges to perform from ‘The Voice.’ One task is undertaken per floor on a five storey tower. During Trapped!, The Voice also decides on a Saboteur to spoil the task for the Unfortunates, unwittingly by the rest of the group.

Other characters in Trapped! include The Caretaker who is the host/presenter, played by Simon Greenall, of I’m Alan Partridge fame and Wiley Sneak, who leads the children to the tower to play the games.
The Unfortunates get to vote on who they think the Saboteur is and if they are correct the Saboteur becomes trapped on the appropriate floor. If incorrect, straws are drawn to determine who will stay and who will pass.

If you missed Trapped! the first time round, you can catch up via Youriplayer.co.uk


Watch all episodes of Trapped here. Trapped is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Trapped here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Trapped via Youriplayer. Trapped is a programme of . 


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