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Tomas is a Threud

Watch the episode of Tomas is a Threud broadcasted on 08-06-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tomas is a Threud

Tomas is a Threud is a children’s series broadcast on BBC Alba, the BBC Gaelic channel. This programme, known more familiarly to most people as Thomas The Tank Engine can now be enjoyed in Gaelic and is ideal for young native-born Gaelic speakers and also with people looking for an easy way to learn the language

Thomas is a Threud follows the adventures of a group of trains who live in Sodor station and go about their daily business, overseen by the Fat Controller. The trains have a life of their own and enjoy adventures and rivalries between themselves
This long running animated series is now produced using CGI for many of the effects and is a high quality modern animation of a classic children’ series of stories.
 Watch Tomas is a Treud via youriplayer.co.uk and catch up on all the events in Sodor now.

Watch all episodes of Tomas is a Threud here. Tomas is a Threud is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Tomas is a Threud here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Tomas is a Threud via Youriplayer. Tomas is a Threud is a programme of . 


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