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The Tracy Beaker Survival Files

Watch the episode of The Tracy Beaker Survival Files broadcasted on 02-12-2012, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Tracy Beaker Survival Files

The Tracy Beaker Survival Files is a spin off to the popular CBBC drama series that follows the lives of children in a care home. In this show, Tracy offers advice to children on how to cope with every day life and its problems. Romance, friendships and difficult situations – how to deal with lies, what makes people angry are just some of the topics that Tracy covers. Her advice is illustrated by clips from episodes of Tracy Beaker and Tracy Beaker Returns and the adults who work at Elmtree house as care workers also give an adult opinion.

The Tracy Beaker Survival Files offer sound advice to the CBBC age group and children will find this show well worth watching. You can catch up with the Tracy Beaker Survival Files via youriplayer.co.uk to see all episodes.
The Tracy Beaker Survival Files pose some moral questions that many young people struggle with. Is it ever OK to tell a lie, how being expected to set a good example to others can be wearing and the always involved and confusing world of love and romance are just some of the topics that are covered.

Although it may seem sad that children have to look to fictional TV characters for guidance, this show is extremely helpful. It offers sound advice and streetwise and kind Tracy Beaker is a good role model as well as playing a “big sister” role to her audience.

Watch all episodes of The Tracy Beaker Survival Files here. The Tracy Beaker Survival Files is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Tracy Beaker Survival Files here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Tracy Beaker Survival Files via Youriplayer. The Tracy Beaker Survival Files is a programme of . 


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