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The Restoration Man

Watch the episode of The Restoration Man broadcasted on 11-01-2015, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Restoration Man

The Restoration Man on Channel 4 sees George Clarke an architect and TV presenter travelling round Britain to help out on home renovation projects. Each episode follows the fortunes of one family and their attempts to renovate an old building, either to live in or as a historical undertaking.
Many of the restoration projects are extremely difficult, as the family has to deal with the problems of working on a listed building, sometimes the stresses of living in a building site or caravan, the design of the work and the all-important budget. George Clarke offers practical help and advice that helps the renovators deal with the scale of their project. Watch all episodes of The Restoration Man via youriplayer.co.uk

The Restoration Man has included some highly ambitious building projects.  Victorian brickworks converted to a luxury home, a Victorian chapel, a pig barn converted into a small house by pensioners wanting to live closer to their family.
If you have to carry out some DIY jobs in your own home, The Restoration Man on Channel 4 will give you plenty of inspiration and if you have ever dreamed of completing a renovation yourself, this programme may make you change your mind!
Despite the worry and hardships, the results can be worth it. Some episodes see the restoration man revisiting earlier projects to catch up with how the families are getting on with occasionally unexpected revelations. 

Watch all episodes of The Restoration Man here. The Restoration Man is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Restoration Man here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Restoration Man via Youriplayer. The Restoration Man is a programme of . 


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