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The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

Watch the episode of The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door broadcasted on 02-06-2016, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door is a channel 5 reality show that goes behind closed doors to find out what really happens between neighbours when disputes arise. This channel 5 series takes a look at some of the most extreme and extraordinary cases in Britain today.
Find out what may be going on in a house near you and catch up with The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door via www.youriplayer.co.uk
Never let it be said that the British are NIMBYS because here we are exposing 
what other people are doing in their own back yards. The show uses footage from 
camcorders, CCTV and phones to look at the lives and events that have ended in 
neighbour disputes. r042tv
Even if you can watch this programme with dispassion, some of these disputes have turned into quite nasty long running battles that have sometimes resulted in Asbos evictions and sometimes even violence.
The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door on channel 5 feature noisy neighbours, obsessive animal keeping neighbours, naming and shaming neighbours, violent neighbours and thieving neighbours. Most of these problems have just got out of hand and The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door shows all the parties involved as lacking both mutual and self-respect.
Come on now people, most problems can be sorted out with communication and 
perhaps a cup of tea or bottle of wine at the end of the dispute. 
Of course, another option is to place barbed wire around the back door and defend it with a sub machine gun, but take heed!  If you do this, you will only attract a channel 5 production crew to your abode and then everyone will fall out. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door!

Watch all episodes of The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door here. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: nightmare neighbour next door, series 2, twitter, episodes, x factor, episode 1, tv, review, the nightmare neighbour next door, chawners, watch, youtube

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door via Youriplayer. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door is a programme of . 


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