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The Musketeers

Watch the episode of The Musketeers broadcasted on 03-07-2016, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Musketeers

The Musketeers on BBC One is a swashbuckling and glossy historical drama loosely based on the classic French novel by Alexander Dumas. Set in 17th it follows the adventures of D'Artagnan played by Luke Pasqualino who along with Aramis, Athos and Porthos seek to restore the King’s reputation and protect King and country. \

The Musketeers are an elite bodyguard force engaged in fighting the forces of evil and countering the sinister machinations and intrigue at the heart of the French court. Watch The Musketeers via your iplayer.co.uk.

This high quality BBC drama is not to be missed! The programme makers have described this high quality action adventure as a sexy edgy drama with a contemporary feel. The musketeers come across as fully formed figures with weaknesses and feelings as well as their strength and fighting ability.

There is more to the four swashbuckling heroes than a simple “all for one, one for all” mentality and although there is plenty of humour and male bonding along the way, there is also plenty of romance and sexy goings on. The plot does not follow the story of the original Dumas novel but manages to capture the spirit of the book with the addition of lashings of romance and sex to spice things up. c038tv

The Musketeers on BBC One has a star-studded cast including Peter Capaldi (as sinister cardinal Richelieu) Tom Burke as Athos and Game of Thrones star Alexandra Dowling playing Queen Anne If you are a fan of the original Alexander Dumas novel you may find the plot unrecognisable but the Musketeers on BBC One is certainly a spectacle that is well worth watching.

Watch all episodes of The Musketeers here. The Musketeers is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Musketeers here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Musketeers via Youriplayer. The Musketeers is a programme of . 


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