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The Hotel Inspector

Watch the episode of The Hotel Inspector broadcasted on 19-01-2015, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Hotel Inspector

The Hotel Inspector is a reality series from Channel 5 in which hotel manager Alex Polizzi (previously Ruth Watson) travels to hotels in the UK that are not doing very well financially and forms observations with the aim to improve them.

In Series 9 of The Hotel Inspector, Alex gets a shock when she pays a visit to a Naturist’s hotel in the Midlands and visits a hotel in Essex which doubles up as a nightclub. She finds the family involved have opposing ideas to each other. There are also revisits to hotels in Reading and Margate to see if Alex’s suggested improvements have been maintained. Replay episodes of The Hotel Inspector via Youriplayer.co.uk

Watch all episodes of The Hotel Inspector here. The Hotel Inspector is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Hotel Inspector here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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