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The Cleveland Show

Watch the episode of The Cleveland Show broadcasted on 16-04-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Cleveland Show

The Cleveland Show is the latest in the line of animated adult comedies and follows in the steps of Family Guy and American Dad, also showing in the UK subject to programming. The Cleveland show has expanded the role of minor Family Guy characters – Cleveland Brown and wife Donna Tubbs and built a spin off show around them, this time about an Afro American family.
The principle characters are Cleveland Brown his second wife Donna Tubbs plus Cleveland’s step children Rallo and Roberta Tubbs and Cleveland Jnr his obese natural son as well as redneck neighbours, drinking buddies and similar.

If you like the sometimes crude humour and sly digs at American culture as seen on Family Guy and American Dad you will enjoy the Cleveland Show. It is much the same – the characters are pretty similar and the jokes, gags and the feel of the Cleveland Show is no different to what we have seen before. Having said that, the Cleveland Show is funny and has attracted some positive reviews although some critics have said it is just Family Guy with a black face.
In some ways, these types of animation provide a more realistic portrayal of American life and values than many other dramas and sitcoms.
The Cleveland Show is one of the programs you can find on Youriplayer.co.uk so catch up now and make up your own mind!

Watch all episodes of The Cleveland Show here. The Cleveland Show is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Cleveland Show here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Cleveland Show via Youriplayer. The Cleveland Show is a programme of . 


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