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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Watch the episode of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes broadcasted on 10-09-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on ITV is considered by many to be the best ever adaptation of this classic series of tales by Arthur Conan Doyle.  This series was first broadcast in 1984 and comprised of 41-hour length episodes over nine series until it ended in 1994. Now being shown again on ITV, you can also catch up with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes via your iplayer .co.uk
What makes this vintage series so special? Jeremy Brett in the starring role brings the character to life and for many Sherlock Holmes fans remains the quintessential interpretation of the brilliant detective. Doctor Watson played in the earlier series by actor David Burke was replaced later in the run by Edward Hardwicke and provides a steady and faithful foil for Sherlock Holmes flights of fancy and illumination.

The setting is Victorian Britain, and is well filmed, atmospheric, and totally in keeping with the original novels and the series met with approval by Arthur Conan Doyle’s descendants who felt this series accurately reflected the books.  In recent years, Sherlock Holmes has had a modern day make over by Benedict Cumberbatch in a later BBC remake, which many critics felt to be boring and unnecessarily complicated.
If you like classic Sherlock Holmes detective stories, this ITV series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes remains the best.
ITVadapted 42 of the original Sherlock Holmes stories (Conan Doyle wrote 60) so this series is a comprehensive collection. The series may have gone on to complete the entire series but the tragic death of leading actor Jeremy Brett in 1995 put an end to future productions.

Watch all episodes of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes here. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes via Youriplayer. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a programme of . 


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