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Watch the episode of SuperScrimpers broadcasted on 14-05-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.


SuperScrimpers: Waste Not Want Not is a Channel 4 show that aims to show you how to save money in hard times and is presented by entrepreneur, journalist and mother-of-three Mrs Moneypenny (probably not her real name) 
With the national economy going down the plug hole faster than an investment banker chasing a bonus cheque,  Channel 4 have re commissioned a new series of the show in an attempt to help us get through these tough times.
SuperScrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not on channel 4 goes from boring and sensible to quite weird and wonderful within seconds. On the one side it gives us information about when and when not to buy an extended warranty and compares different types of car insurance then switches to cleaning a sink with a dog’s tennis ball and cutting down on wasted gin limes by putting the unused bits in the fridge.
The problem with many of these tips is that you often need to buy something you wouldn’t normally keep around the house to be able to use it to save money. Obviously you could buy some drain cleaner or cut out the evening gin but where’s the fun in that? 
The show also provides us with a family in crisis slot where the team help a family sort out their home economics. This features the usual crop of publicity seeking members of the general public, for whom just being on the telly is reason enough. 
However if they are actually paid for appearing then perhaps they have taken the SuperScrimpers message to heart. 
Catch up with the latest episode of SuperScrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not via youriplayer.co.uk. Before you know it, you too can be drinking economic downturn soup out of recycled coke cans! 

Watch all episodes of SuperScrimpers here. SuperScrimpers is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of SuperScrimpers here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of SuperScrimpers via Youriplayer. SuperScrimpers is a programme of . 


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