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Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses

Watch the episode of Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses broadcasted on 21-09-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses

Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses is a Channel 4 programme which shows people trying to sell their homes. The twist in this programme is that other vendor’s homes are looked at for ideas and sellers are given 7 days and £1000 to make some beneficial alterations.

Dynamic developer Sarah is no stranger to presenting property related shows. She is known for presenting Property Ladder and Help! My House is Falling Down amongst others.
Episodes of Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses include Episode One - Brighton where issues include a disregarded garden, an overly cluttered family home and an old fashioned bathroom. Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses can be replayed via Youriplayer.co.uk


Watch all episodes of Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses here. Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses via Youriplayer. Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses is a programme of . 


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