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Sailing: America's Cup Discovered

Watch the episode of Sailing: America's Cup Discovered broadcasted on 26-02-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Sailing: America's Cup Discovered

Sailing: America’s Cup Uncovered is a Channel 4 programme that covers sailing events from a classic race that has been going for nearly two centuries. The honour connected with the America’s Cup also attracts top businessmen as their strengths are also put to the test.

The name ‘America’s Cup’ ultimately refers to the sought after trophy. Although this was original a prize won in Britain, the winning yacht was presented to the New York Yacht Club, hence the trophy getting its name. The present holder of the America’s Cup races against a competitor to try and hold onto this prestigious accolade.

The luxurious competition races round the world and Sailing: America’s Cup Uncovered brings exclusive footage and checks out the participating crew. Catch up on Sailing: America’s Cup Uncovered via Youriplayer.co.uk

Watch all episodes of Sailing: America's Cup Discovered here. Sailing: America's Cup Discovered is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Sailing: America's Cup Discovered here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Sailing: America's Cup Discovered via Youriplayer. Sailing: America's Cup Discovered is a programme of . 


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