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Rolf's Animal Clinic

Watch the episode of Rolf's Animal Clinic broadcasted on 05-11-2012, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Rolf's Animal Clinic

Rolfs Animal Clinic on channel 5 is a documentary series based at Liverpool University’s Veterinary School and is hosted by Rolf Harris. The series follows the real life professionals as they treat all sorts of animals from pets to farm animals and the exotic creatures in the zoo and we get to join in the personal journeys of the vets, the students and the animal owners, as they have to make sometimes difficult decisions.
Rolf’s Animal Clinic on Channel 5 can be heartbreaking stuff. There are some seriously sick and injured animals and they do not always pull through but there are some lighter moments too and moments of joy when an animal survives and makes a full recovery.

Rolfs Animal Clinic on Channel 5 had run to two series with a third season planned but following the arrest of Rolf Harris as part of Operation Yewtree, the series was pulled from the Channel 5 schedule. A new series is planned for the future with Ben Fogle taking the central role.
Rolfs Animal Clinic is still available to watch via youriplayer.co.uk. Leaving the allegations aside Rolf was a good presenter who obviously has a deep empathy with animals and the show is interesting as well as extremely moving. If you like animals and are interested in the sort of challenges that are faced by vets and student vets on a daily basis, you will enjoy this show.

Watch all episodes of Rolf's Animal Clinic here. Rolf's Animal Clinic is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Rolf's Animal Clinic here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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