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Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge

Watch the episode of Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge broadcasted on 17-01-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge

Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge sees actor Robson Greene travelling all over the world to compete in fishing contests in the company of some of the world’s best fishermen. If your idea of fishing is a quiet day on the riverbank where you put the fish back in the river after you have had the thrill of the catch, you will not like this programme. It’s a testosterone-fuelled contest involving some pointless slaughter of wild life in exotic locations and often on boats.  It is a popular channel 5 programme.

Robson Greene, a British actor, catches shark, tuna and all sorts of fish you have never heard of. He explores the Great Barrier Reef and the reefs of Mauritius but is always focused on the fishing, which is fairly boring for non fishing enthusiasts. He travels to New Zealand to take part in his dream quest for a New Zealand Blue Cod a fish described as a sports fish. Despite travelling the globe, the programme is essentially the same each time. Robson delivers northern grit and tussles with a fish in a macho kind of way, often taking his shirt off at the same time. He does this so often it surely must be written into his contract.

If you like fishing on TV you may enjoy this show but it has an extremely limited appeal that will not appeal to everyone. However if you like competitive fishing and Robson Green you may enjoy this series. Catch up with the whole series of Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge via youriplayer and see some fish being caught in exotic locations.

Watch all episodes of Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge here. Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge via Youriplayer. Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge is a programme of . 


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