Perfection is a general knowledge game show on BBC One hosted by Nick Knowles that gives contestants the chance to win a £1000 prize each show. Four contestants play – with three, known as the Usual Suspects playing in soundproof booths against the chosen contestant who plays on stage.
The contestant playing on stage must achieve perfection by supplying the correct answers to all the questions. The usual suspects attempt to answer the questions too and can choose to change the contestant’s answer if they think it is wrong. Once all questions have been answered and the responses “locked in” the Usual Suspects can negotiate a price with the contestant for helping. Once the questions have all been answered, a correct answer to the whole batch of questions wins the £1000 prize.
Once the contestant playing the game has won or lost, the people playing as the Usual suspects stay in the game until it is their turn for the central stage.
Perfection is a simple question and answer show but with a complicated format that makes this quiz show interesting to watch. You can watch Perfection via and see if you’ve got what it takes to achieve perfection yourself!
Watch all episodes of Perfection here. Perfection is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Perfection here via
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