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Parks and Recreation

Watch the episode of Parks and Recreation broadcasted on 11-06-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation is an innovative and original comedy. This American sitcom on
BBC Four follows Leslie Nopes an officious well meaning and often hapless local government official who works in the parks and recreational dept in the fictional town of Pawnee in Indiana.
The story unfolds as Leslie, played by comedian Amy Poeller vows to turn a waste ground pit into a park. She is assisted and hindered by the assorted oddball characters who work in the department and her friend Ann, a nurse and the originator of the complaint about the pit, played by actress Rashida Jones.

The series focuses on the lives of the leading characters as they interrelate in the work environment and in particular Leslie who has an idealised view of the world and her small town of Pawnee and is harbouring ambitions of becoming president!
Rob Lowe stars in the later series as Chris Traeger a high up government official in charge of budgets.
Parks and Recreation has been compared to The Office because it is filmed in a similar mock documentary way and much of the action is centred on the workplace but this is an original show, which has been well received by critics.

Parks and Recreation first aired on NBC in 2009 and has since been sold around the world. It was first shown on BBC Four in 2013 and further series are planned.
Parks and Recreation has already run to five seasons with a final sixth series planned for 2013 – 2014. This series will feature an hour long episode set in London.
Watch the whole series of Parks and Recreation via youriplayer and enjoy some refreshing new comedy with a satirical edge.

Watch all episodes of Parks and Recreation here. Parks and Recreation is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Parks and Recreation here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Parks and Recreation via Youriplayer. Parks and Recreation is a programme of . 


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