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Only Connect

Watch the episode of Only Connect broadcasted on 21-10-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Only Connect

Only Connect is a cerebral quiz show that sees two teams of three players compete to find connections and answers to seemingly random facts and information. Only Connect on BBC Four is hosted by poker ace Victoria Coren and requires a strong dose of lateral thinking and good general knowledge skills in order to compete.

You can play along with the connecting wall at home and find connections that link unlikely subjects. Catch up now with Only Connect via youriplayer.co.uk and pit your skills against the teams.

The style of Only Connect is intelligent and witty. The teams are often drawn from professional groups such as IT consultants or doctors or drawn together by common interests such as gambling, pub quiz teams or The Archers. Although Only Connect is broadcast on BBC Four, it has the flavour of Radio 4, the BBC’s intelligent speech station.

Despite the fact that Only Connect provides a challenging intellectual exercise there is nothing stuffy or highbrow about this programme. If you enjoy pub quizzes or brainteasers, you will love it and Victoria Coren’s “off the wall” wit is always worth catching.

Watch all episodes of Only Connect here. Only Connect is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Only Connect here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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