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Old Jack's Boat

Watch the episode of Old Jack's Boat broadcasted on 17-05-2018, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Old Jack's Boat

Ahoy me hearties and climb aboard Old Jack’s Boat with CBeebies.

Old Jack, played by everybody’s favourite granddad figure Bernard Cribbens is a retired fisherman who lives in a little village on the Yorkshire coast called Staithes - a real village bearing the same name.
He tells plenty of tall stories from his old fishing boat Rainbow.and these turn into animations that see Jack and his dog Salty having adventures in a wide variety of locations. Jack and Salty explore the sea bed, ride in hot air balloons,  explore exotic islands and go wherever the story takes them. He is often assisted by his friends in the village.

Each story begins in the same way as Old Jack says”Once upon a twinkly time, the rainbow set off from Staithes, waved goodbye to Whitby and disappeared over the horizon.’ At the end of each episode Jack and Salty leave the boat and walk back home along the cobbled streets of Staithes.
Old Jacks Boat on CBeebies is a high quality childrens TV programme that should not be missed. It is produced by Russell T Davies – the creator of the revamped Dr Who series and a critically acclaimed TV producer.

Old Jacks Boat is aimed at young children of six and under but is one of those children’s TV programmes that adults will like too. You can watch now via the youriplayer.co.uk website and give your young children a treat. This programme is aimed at helping children to explore their own imagination by using the medium of story telling. 

Watch all episodes of Old Jack's Boat here. Old Jack's Boat is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Old Jack's Boat here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Old Jack's Boat via Youriplayer. Old Jack's Boat is a programme of . 


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