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Nuzzle and Scratch

Watch the episode of Nuzzle and Scratch broadcasted on 19-01-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Nuzzle and Scratch

Nuzzle and Scratch are two Alpacas who come from the Andes and are good at climbing mountains but not much else. These adorable puppet characters work for the Two by Two Animal Agency, an employment agency staffed by animals and run by a feisty seven-year-old girl known as the Boss.
Each episode sees Nuzzle and Scratch, the two most hapless employees of the agency, trying a new job with chaotic results and lots of slapstick fun and crazy misadadventures ensue. Luckily, Nuzzle and Scratch always manage to turn things around and save the day.

Previous themes have included Nuzzle and Scratch working as cheerleaders, in a library, painters and decorators, ice cream sellers and rugby coaches. There is nothing that the duo can do well but it always works out well and with a few songs along the way.
Nuzzle and Scratch is a CBeebies programme aimed at the under six year’s old age bracket. The educational aim of the programme is to encourage children to use their imagination and explore creativity as well as to think about the many different roles in everyday society.
So far only running to one series, there are 20 episodes to catch up on. This appealing Cbeebies programme will delight younger children and you can watch all episodes of Nuzzle and Scratch via youriplayer.co.uk

Watch all episodes of Nuzzle and Scratch here. Nuzzle and Scratch is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Nuzzle and Scratch here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Nuzzle and Scratch via Youriplayer. Nuzzle and Scratch is a programme of . 


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