Na Bleigeardan
Na Bleigeardan
Na Bleigeardan on BBC Alba is a Gaelic adaptation of the Children’s programme Little Monsters. This children’s cartoon series first made by the BBC in 1998 follows the adventures of a group of children – the little monsters of the title. The children are known for acting in a less than perfect way. You can see adventures involving “Tell tale Tallulah” “Revolting Ronnie” – one episode is all about earwax, “Greedy Graham” and similar.
Unsurprisingly Na Bleigeardan or Little monsters has been extremely popular with kids! In this show, all names and dialogue have been translated into Gaelic.
The show is broadcast around the world in many different languages, and was first on TV in Gaelic between 2000 and 2001. Now Na Bleigeardan is back in Gaelic on BBC Alba giving the chance for a whole new audience to enjoy this classic children’s series. You can watch episodes of Na Bleigeardan via . This simple children’s cartoon has an enduring appeal that will make it a favourite with modern audiences.
Watch all episodes of Na Bleigeardan here. Na Bleigeardan is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Na Bleigeardan here via
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