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Loose Women

Watch the episode of Loose Women broadcasted on 15-10-2021, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Loose Women

Loose Women is a midday talk show, featuring four presenters who discuss a number of selected issues related to politics, entertainment and lifestyle. It is aired on ITV1.

Loose Women is hosted by a panel of presenters consisting of journalists and various media personalities. It rotates weekly and includes: Lisa Maxwell, Carol McGiffin Jane McDonald, Sally Lindsay or Shobna Gulati and Linda Robson. The hosts focus on a number of topics and also interview a celebrity guest.

Previous episodes of Loose Women can be viewed   via Youriplayer.co.uk an online service which also provides reruns of similar programmes.
Lorraine, Daybreak.

Watch all episodes of Loose Women here. Loose Women is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Loose Women here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Loose Women via Youriplayer. Loose Women is a programme of . 


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