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Junior Vets

Watch the episode of Junior Vets broadcasted on 14-06-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Junior Vets

Many children dream of becoming a vet one day. Junior Vets on CBBC takes six animal mad youngsters aged between 11 and 14 to Edinburgh University vet school where they learn to deal with the day-to-day challenges of caring for sick animals, birds and reptiles.
The series is presented by qualified vet Paul Mankletow who is on hand to offer the children advice and the candidates are recruited via the CBBC website. The children come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are already animal mad and may dream of becoming a vet and may be already familiar with handling animals. Others come to the show with no previous experience save a willingness to learn. All have a meaningful and enriching experience.

The children accompany real vets and help them carry out their work out and about at the Zoo, on local farms and in the university’s vet school.
The children learn a lot. Previous experiences have included taking blood samples from crocodiles, giving eye drops to a penguin, visiting the racecourse to check for injured horses, and helping to manage the effects of anaesthetic during surgery.

The children compete with each other to see who is named as the Head Vet of the series and work awards are given out at the end of each episode in recognition of effort and achievement.
You can watch Junior Vets via youriplayer.co.uk and if you have a young wannabee vet in the family, this programme shows the sort of things that a vet can expect from the job.  Even more importantly, it shows the qualities that you need in order to succeed in this demanding profession.

Watch all episodes of Junior Vets here. Junior Vets is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Junior Vets here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: junior vets, 2, cbbc, application 2015, game codes, on call game, codes 2014, series 2, 2 games, game codes 2013

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