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How I Met Your Mother

Watch the episode of How I Met Your Mother broadcasted on 26-06-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother is an American comedy series with a clever twist. The series starts set in 2030 when lead character Ted Mosby sits his children down to tell them the story of “how I met your mother” and then the entire series is in flashback mode, which begins in 2005. The whole series recounts the life of Ted Mosby, played by heartthrob actor Josh Radnor, as he searches for his dream woman helped by his four best friends as they live, work and date in New York.

Known for clever quirky humour and fast achieving a cult viewing status in the USA, How I Met Your Mother , has run to eight seasons The ninth series looks set to become the final series and seems as if Ted will finally meet “your mother” after years of searching!. This hit American show  is currently showing on Channel 4 but you can also watch all episodes of How I Met Your Mother via youriplayer.co.uk

How I Met Your Mother has been critically acclaimed in the USA. It has won numerous Emmy awards and nominations and offers something slightly different to the run of the mill American sitcom.

Channel 4 is well known for showing American cult TV programmes such as Curb your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development and How I Met Your mother fits neatly into this genre.

Catch up with the entire series of How I Met You Mother via youriplayer.co.uk and see for yourself what all the fuss is about.

Watch all episodes of How I Met Your Mother here. How I Met Your Mother is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of How I Met Your Mother here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of How I Met Your Mother via Youriplayer. How I Met Your Mother is a programme of . 


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