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Home and Away

Watch the episode of Home and Away broadcasted on 20-10-2020, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Home and Away

Home and Away is one of Australia’s longest running soap operas and is a popular series set in the fictional seaside town of Summer Bay in New South Wales, Australia. 
The show details the daily struggles and triumphs of the residents as well as their relationships with each other.
First aired in 1988, it is currently in its 26th season and is aired in the UK on Channel 5 on weekdays.

The storyline of Home and Away is based on the daily life of the residents of Summer Bay. Certain locations also form key focal points including the surf club, the diner and the bar. 

Key characters of the show include:

Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher): Business owner and pillar of the community, Alf Stewart possesses a gruff demeanour which is merely a façade for his affectionate and loyal nature.
Over the years he has dealt with bereavement, reunions with long lost grandchildren and family feuds. So far, he has managed to handle each challenge and currently oversees his many business operations while dispensing advice to his clients and staff alike.

Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger): Business owner Irene Roberts is a true survivor having previously battled alcoholism, and depression. Down to earth and nurturing, she has fostered many children and is always ready to welcome any in need o f a home. 

Morag Bellingham (Cornelia Frances): A competent high court judge with a tough exterior, Morag returns to her childhood home much to her brother Alf’s displeasure due to an existing feud between them. Although the two siblings soon bury the hatchet to regain the affectionate relationship they shared as children, Morag finds that her former home holds many secrets which are perhaps best left undiscovered.

Home and Away is one of Australia’s most successful series at home and abroad and has received more Logie Awards (the Australian television industry awards) than any other programme.

Fans of the show can catch up with the series as well as similar programmes via Youriplayer.co.uk, a free on demand online service.

Brothers & Sisters, McLeod's Daughters and Neighbours. 

Watch all episodes of Home and Away here. Home and Away is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Home and Away here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: home and away, spoilers, cast, catch up, channel 5, episodes, holidays, casey, characters, dailymotion

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Home and Away via Youriplayer. Home and Away is a programme of . 


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