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Hacker Time

Watch the episode of Hacker Time broadcasted on 17-04-2017, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Hacker Time

Hacker Time is all about the adventures of Hacker T Dog a dog who has his own talk show and wants to be a talk show star! Each week Hacker, a dog puppet with attitude, tricks celebrities into appearing on his show where he asks them questions about their careers in a general talk show style. They also watch video clips of their careers and outtakes of their entrance in the studio. Once lured to the studio the celebrity guests are locked in.
You can watch all episodes of Hacker Time via your iplayer.co.uk.

Previous celebrity guests have included Jedward – lured to Hacker’s studio by the promise of free hair gel, and guests such as Anton Du Beke , News presenters Bill Turnbull and Sian Williams , Sue Barker and more.
Hacker Time is very funny and although it is a CBBC TV programme, it has a fan base of adult viewers too. As well as the celebrity interviews and the goings on in the studio, which see Hacker assisted by Dodge T Dog and the cast of puppets, there are sketches too. One long running sketch is a spoof of Downton abbey called Downstairs Abbey and in another series, The Adventures of Sherlock Bones features Hacker dog solving mysteries in the Land of Teapot involving much silliness and mad investigative conclusions.

Hacker Time is a 30 minutes show which first aired in September 2011. Phil Fletcher is Hacker dog’s puppeteer and provides his voice as well as some of the other puppet characters on the show.
Hacker Time is an entertaining and fast moving show and offers the viewer a chance to see otherwise often-serious celebrity guests being interviewed and bossed around by a puppet dog.

Watch all episodes of Hacker Time here. Hacker Time is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Hacker Time here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: hacker time, cbbc, song, cast, youtube, series 1, aeroport, full episodes, end song, series 3

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