Gigglebiz is a comedy show made up of sketches for children shown on CBeebies featuring TV presenter Justin Fletcher of Mr Tumble fame. Justin plays the main parts in the scenes. His many creations include the crazy thick spectacled Anna Conda, an amphibian specialist; Packed Lunch Pete who just wants to enjoy his sandwiches on his break only to be interrupted constantly and Rapids Johnson, a posh adventurer who is always oblivious that the object of his attention is right in front of the camera’s nose!
The fictional locations of Little Bottom and Wiggyville appear in Gigglebiz. Wiggyville was partly filmed at Portmeirion, North Wales which is the original location of the sci-fi classic The Prisoner. Check out episodes of Gigglebiz via
Watch all episodes of Gigglebiz here. Gigglebiz is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Gigglebiz here via
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