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Fraochy Bay

Watch the episode of Fraochy Bay broadcasted on 15-09-2018, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Fraochy Bay

Fraochy Bay is a surreal programme set in the fictional town of the same name. It is a Scottish Gaelic Cartoon produced for BBC Alba. The town itself is located off West Scotland in the programme and contains slightly odd characters that are explored in each 3 – 5 minute episode.

Characters in the first series of Fraochy Bay include Troopers Cooper and Hooper, Sergeant Spanner and Captain Hammer who are special forces elite, and cafe owner Luigi Maclennan who dies his own hair and moustache and speaks Gaelic with an Italian mix to his accent.

If you like quirky questions such as do sheep have something against the police? Or can an aeroplane really land on a runway like that? then you could always give this series a try via Youriplayer.co.uk


Watch all episodes of Fraochy Bay here. Fraochy Bay is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Fraochy Bay here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Fraochy Bay via Youriplayer. Fraochy Bay is a programme of . 


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