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Cornwall with Caroline Quentin

Watch the episode of Cornwall with Caroline Quentin broadcasted on 29-06-2015, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Cornwall with Caroline Quentin

Cornwall With Caroline Quentin on ITV takes us on a journey round this beautiful and enigmatic county, looking at the sights and meeting people along the way. The scenery looks fabulous, the people she meets are fun and there are plenty of old Cornish legends, quaint ways of life and pasties. Enough, in fact to make you feel like jumping into the car and heading West!
Watch Cornwall With Caroline Quentin via youriplayer and save yourself the journey by watching from the comfort of home.

The Cornish tourist board have really welcomed this series in the hope of attracting more visitors but not everyone in Cornwall is as please with the portrayal of the county.  Cornwall With Caroline Quentin has been accused of providing a twee chocolate box view of life that does not reflect reality.
There is economic hardship in Cornwall and unemployment figures are high but this is never mentioned. According to Cornish residents, the series is all about cream teas and yokels and posh second homeowners and little about the true reality of life in the sometimes harsh and rugged landscape.

Whatever the truth about the region,  Cornwall With Caroline Quentin on ITV, has proved to be popular and has bought many of the little known attractions of Cornwall to the public’s attention. Caroline Quentin herself is an engaging and likeable presenter and even if it really is just a glossy version of reality, it does make for entertaining TV and easy watching.
The first series of eight episodes was broadcast in 2012, with a second series of 10 episodes first on ITV in early 2013.

Watch all episodes of Cornwall with Caroline Quentin here. Cornwall with Caroline Quentin is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Cornwall with Caroline Quentin here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Cornwall with Caroline Quentin via Youriplayer. Cornwall with Caroline Quentin is a programme of . 


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