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Celebrity Juice

Watch the episode of Celebrity Juice broadcasted on 02-01-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Celebrity Juice

Celebrity Juice on ITV is a celebrity panel game hosted by Keith Lemon – a larger than life character played by comedian Leigh Francis, and is all about the world of celebrity trivia and gossip.  Northern cult figure Keith Lemon is accompanied by Ferne Cotton and Holly Willoughby as team captains and the show features a wide range of celebrity guests and comedians. 

The game follows a format of rounds including Lemon Head – a questions round that features a huge picture of Lemon’s face divided into segments where contestants must gather clues, The Buzzer round – where contestants answer questions based on the weeks news and Keith vs.  where the contestants watch a video of Keith taking on a celebrity in some sort of contest and then have to predict the outcome.
Celebrity Juice is a popular show that has been well received. It won a BAFTA in 2012 for YouTube audience and has won Best entertainment Show in 2012 in the National Television Awards. It also came first in the TV Choice Awards in the same year. Watch Celebrity Juice via youriplayer.co.uk and see this award winning show yourself. Celebrity Juice on ITV is not a subtle show. The Keith Lemon character is a loud mouthed and tasteless 70s style medallion man and provides a politically incorrect role that Leigh Francis plays with enthusiasm and great effect. Love it or hate it Celebrity Juice is popular and delivers plenty of laughs and unexpected moments along the way. 

Watch all episodes of Celebrity Juice here. Celebrity Juice is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Celebrity Juice here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Celebrity Juice via Youriplayer. Celebrity Juice is a programme of . 


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