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Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side

Watch the episode of Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side broadcasted on 01-08-2016, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side

If you are a Big Brother fan, Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on The Side on Channel 5 will keep you up to date with the latest news and gossip in this nightly show, from just around the corner from the big Brother house.
Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side is a spin off show to Celebrity Big Brother, itself a spin off show from the original Big Brother series shown on Channel 4.
Celebrity Big Brother was originally a charity show special tied in with Comic Relief but since 2001 has become a programme in its own right. Celebrity Big Brother has run for 12 series so far (compared with 29 Big Brother series) and seems in no danger of coming to the end of production any time soon.

Celebrity Big Brother is famous for often bizarre incidents and behaviour. Who can forget MP George Galloway wearing a leotard and mewing like a kitten for example?  Originally taking  just over a week to film, recent versions of Celebrity Big Brother last on average around 23 days.
Celebrity Big Brother moved from Channel 4 to Channel 5 in 2011 in the eighth series and Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The side has accompanied the programme since the launch night on the new channel. Originally presented by Emma Willis, she was joined in 2013 by Rylan Clark, an X Factor and Celebrity Big Brother winner himself.

If you enjoy Celebrity Big Brother but lack the time to catch up on all the action as it happens, and of course it can be very boring and slow moving,  Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side is much easier to digest. See highlights from the best of the day’s events, enjoy gossip, and chat about the housemates. Watch Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side via youriplayer.co.uk That way you can keep up to date with the events without actually having to watch it all yourself!

Watch all episodes of Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side here. Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side via Youriplayer. Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side is a programme of . 


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