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Calum Clachair

Watch the episode of Calum Clachair broadcasted on 14-01-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Calum Clachair

Calum Clachair on BBC Alba is a Gaelic speaking version of the children’s animated series Bob the Builder. This world popular series follows the exploits of Bob the Builder as he works on construction, solves problems and completes projects to help people.
 Bob the Builder is joined by his friend Wendy and a team of neighbours and friends including a collection of work vehicles all who have their own personalities.

This animation first used clay models in a similar process to the animation of. Wallace and Grommet but later series have seen the technology change to CGI.
Calum Clachair is the Gaelic translation of Bob the Builder. This award winning series has been translated and shown in over 30 countries around the world.
The series was first broadcast in 1998 and has been nominated for BAFTA Pre School Category between 1998 and 2008.
Calum Clachair – actually means Bob the stonemason but this name was chosen for the Gaelic translation because of the pleasing sounds of the words. As Calum Clachair would say Ie, ni'n gallu? (Can we fix it?)
Yes, we can!

Watch all episodes of Calum Clachair here. Calum Clachair is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Calum Clachair here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Calum Clachair via Youriplayer. Calum Clachair is a programme of . 


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