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Bob the Builder

Watch the episode of Bob the Builder broadcasted on 13-03-2014, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder is a highly popular animated series featuring Bob, a construction worker, Wendy, his business partner and his team of machines.
It is aired in the UK on CBeebies.

Bob the Builder focuses on the adventures of a building contractor, Bob who lives in the seaside town of Fixham with his pet cat, Pilchard. He is relied  on by the residents to take care of all their construction concerns and does so with the support of his machines and his business partner.
The program aims to educate young viewers on problem solving and developing relationships with others.

The CBeebies website has its own special Bob the Builder page which provides fans of the show with fun filled activities such as games and drawing.

Reruns of the show are also available online on CBeebies iplayer and can be viewed within seven days of being aired.

Fireman Sam, Postman Pat, Roary the Racing Car.

Watch all episodes of Bob the Builder here. Bob the Builder is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Bob the Builder here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Bob the Builder via Youriplayer. Bob the Builder is a programme of . 


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