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Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

Watch the episode of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings broadcasted on 04-06-2015, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

The world of the Gypsy travellers remains unknown to most people in the UK and despite the fact that this is a visible group in many towns and villages, most people know nothing about them. Big Fat Gypsy Weddings on Channel 4 follows Irish traveller families and reveals the extravagant lengths they will go to, to create the perfect wedding day . It also looks at life and culture in this secretive community.

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings created a real stir when it was first shown on Channel 4 in 2010 and there have been criticisms. The Roma people have disassociated themselves from the series questioning the name – gypsy – because it follows Irish traveller families and not this real ethnic group. The life style of the Irish traveller families is questioned too and their attitudes to domestic abuse and the role of women who remain subservient to men are shocking to modern day views.

Despite the wedding day, which is lavish, vulgar and extravagant most girls remain illiterate and downtrodden. The wedding day is the biggest day of the traveller’s life and is full of rules and traditions. The wedding day itself is extremely watchable and for the viewer it is fascinating. Watch Big Fat Gypsy Weddings via youriplayer.co.uk and see for yourself.
Expect wedding dresses that weigh more than the bride, sequins, glitter, fake tan and tiaras, provocative dancing and often a punch up on the big day itself.

Watch all episodes of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings here. Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Big Fat Gypsy Weddings via Youriplayer. Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is a programme of . 


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