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Bad Education

Watch the episode of Bad Education broadcasted on 22-07-2015, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Bad Education

Bad Education on BBC Three is a British sitcom set in a school and follows the exploits of Alfie Wickers a newly graduated history  teacher as he struggles with doing his job , controlling his class and getting on with his fellow teachers.
Alfie played by comedian Jack Whitehall is not a very good teacher. He’s also a bit posh and out of his depth in the fictional Abbey Grove School which is not as middle class and privileged as his own school experience.  He frequently struggles with maintaining discipline and often ends up asking his pupils for advice.

The Bad Education storylines revolve around Alfie and his attempts at romance with the biology teacher Rosie Gulliver as well as the normal issues of school life with the timetable of parent’s evenings, school visits, concerts, sport and other rich veins of comedy potential.
Catch up with the latest episodes of Bad Education via youriplayer.co.uk and enjoy an entertaining romp around the classroom.

In true sitcom style, the other teachers are the usual odd bods and eccentrics that you will see in most school room dramas, although most of us can remember equally eccentric characters in real life from our own school days. The eccentric headmaster Shaquille is played by Matthew Horne , the deputy head Isabel Pickford a firm disciplinarian sometimes compared to an SS officer , is played by Michelle Gomez and Olive Mollinson (Leila Hoffman) plays the long serving Art teacher who has unaccountably ended up as head of maths.
Bad Education was first broadcast in 2012 and ran over six episodes where it has met with some positive critical response. It is set to run to a second series.

Watch all episodes of Bad Education here. Bad Education is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Bad Education here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Tags: bad education, cast, series 3, imdb, series 1, mitchell, chantelle, series 2, theme song, review

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