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Art Attack

Watch the episode of Art Attack broadcasted on 28-07-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Art Attack

Art Attack on ITV is a children’s TV series all about art. It offers tips and tricks about drawing and painting as well as creating art from rubbish and household objects and simple crafts that anyone can do. The show offers plenty of fun and inspiration to young artists and is ideal viewing when the kids complain that they are bored!
You can catch up with previous episodes of Art Attack via youriplayer.co.uk and bring a little craft and design into your household.

Neil Buchanan the presenter and inventor of the programme shows his audience how to carry out a variety of art projects. Previous themes have included how to make a football game out of newspaper scraps and a cardboard box, how to “art attack “ your bedroom and decorate it with cartoons, make a bin bag monster and how to draw dinosaurs.

Art Attack is ideal for all ages and the infectious good humour and enthusiasm of Neil Buchanan should make any child reach for the paint box and probably some of the adult viewers as well.
Art attack is a long running ITV programme. It was first broadcast in 1990 and was won three BAFTAS over its history. It was dropped from the ITV schedule in 2007 but is being currently repeated. A new version of the show was produced by Disney but has yet to hit the terrestrial network.

Watch all episodes of Art Attack here. Art Attack is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Art Attack here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Art Attack via Youriplayer. Art Attack is a programme of . 


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