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Alesha's Street Dance Stars

Watch the episode of Alesha's Street Dance Stars broadcasted on 21-08-2013, via Youriplayer.co.uk.

Alesha's Street Dance Stars

Alesha’s Street Dance Stars on CBBC is a dancing competition that sees youthful dance teams (crews) compete to become the UK's best street dancing team in the hope of getting to perform at the O2 arena. 
Alesha Dixon presents the show and is joined by judges from the world of dance and music. New judge, Kimberlee Jay is a professional dancer who has appeared in music videos with Madonna and Dwayne Nosworthy is the head judge overseeing proceedings. These two are joined by rap dancer Turbo and Lizzie Gough.
The dancers must fall between the age ranges of 9 and 15 in order to compete and the dance crews come from the length and breadth of the UK. Some of the dance crews come from the world of dance and drama clubs but others are more independent and have been set up by the kids themselves. The young dancers are full of energy, enthusiasm, and benefit from some great choreography and production. 
A feature of Alesha’s Streeet Dance Stars on CBBC is that it passes on dance tips to the viewers and gives children the chance to join in at home while watching the programme. Catch up and join in with Aleshas Street Dance Stars via youriplayer.co.uk and see if you have a potential star in your own home! 

Watch all episodes of Alesha's Street Dance Stars here. Alesha's Street Dance Stars is a tv-programme of BBC One. You can see all episodes of Alesha's Street Dance Stars here via Youriplayer.co.uk.

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Catch-up? Watch all broadcasts of Alesha's Street Dance Stars via Youriplayer. Alesha's Street Dance Stars is a programme of . 


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